Like many responsible homeowners we had trouble paying our mortgage due to job loss when the foreclosure crisis hit and the economy tanked. Instead of offering a proper loan modification to avoid foreclosure, our lender sent us a notice of default and notice of foreclosure sale. The stress was unbelievable and we suffered many sleepless nights. We feared we could not afford to hire an attorney, but after searching for foreclosure defense help in Massachusetts, we discovered RealtyEsquire, PC and their promise of “affordable rates for the average homeowner.” We worked with foreclosure attorneys Brian Wasser and Jenny Margeson who listened and understood our needs. They sued our lender, stopped the foreclosure sale, identified lender violations, and defects in the mortgage loan. Under the pressure of litigation, the lender was forced into a generous settlement that forgave over $340,000 in principal reduction and several years’ worth of missed interest and escrow payments. Our original loan cost over $2,000 per month, but now we pay less than $1,000 a month. Now we are able to sleep well again and get back to enjoying our lives. We highly recommend RealtyEsquire, PC to homeowners in need. The Jones family, Cape Cod, MA Thank you, Brian
Foreclosure Help