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Video post format
Create blog posts with video easily by using video post format. All you need to do is simply select Video format in post format section and paste a link to the video you want to...
Quote post format
Drag’n’drop content parts across your page with a handy WYSIWYG Content Composer, as well as easily edit their appearance, insert featured blocks, sliders, tables, various media etc. with one click. Create your custom pre-saved layout...
Like many responsible homeowners we had trouble paying our mortgage due to job loss when the economy tanked. We were interested in preventing foreclosure but instead of offering a proper loan modification our lender sent us a notice of default and notice of foreclosure sale. The stress was unbelievable and we suffered many sleepless nights. After searching for foreclosure defense help in Massachusetts, we feared we could not afford to hire an attorney and tried to defend ourselves, until we came across RealtyEsquire and their promise of “affordable rates for the average homeowner.” We worked with foreclosure attorneys Brian Wasser and Jenny Margeson who have been helping us stop foreclosure, identify lender violations, and seek an alternative settlement. They listen and understand us. They forced the lender to start doing the right thing to save our home. Now we are able to sleep well again and get back to enjoying our lives. We highly recommend RealtyEsquire to homeowners in need.