If a foreclosure sale of your home or property has not yet taken place, if you are facing the threat of a foreclosure sale, or if you received notice of a scheduled foreclosure sale, our legal staff will go to work right away to help you stop or prevent a foreclosure sale from happening.
Over the last several years we have established a proven record of keeping people in their homes by holding banks and other creditors accountable for complying with the law.
A sampling of PRE-FORECLOSURE services include:
Document Intake and Review – Intake and organization of a ll your loan related documents (e.g., communications with lenders, servicers, and their foreclosure attorneys, notes, agreements, etc.)
Loan Audit – Review application and closing documents related to your loan
Foreclosure Readiness Analysis – Review pertinent for eclosure related documents and notices to determine and identify violations and other failures in the foreclosure process to prevent or stop a foreclosure sale.
Rescission Analysis – Review loan documents and required disclosures to identify grounds upon which you might rescind or cancel your mortgage loan, which voids the mortgage security on your home and thereby removes foreclosure as an enforcement measure.
Bankruptcy – Although often found to be unnecessary, bankruptcy can be an effective tool as a last resort or when it is in the best interests of the client as determined on a case-by-case basis. (Be cautious about Bankruptcy Attorneys holding themselves out as Foreclosure Defense Attorneys and seeking to solve every problem only through a bankruptcy filing) .